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There is nothing like the security of knowing that your home is safe and secure.  If you heat with oil it is by far the safest way to keep your house warm in the winter.  The only danger that it poses is when the oil storage tank reaches its life expectancy and it begins to leak.  If that goes undetected or unaddressed it is a disaster waiting to happen.  Oil spills in a home can cost tens of thousands of dollars to clean up!  At the first signs of an oil leak, call Expert Services to replace your tank.

Some tanks have been there for a long, long time! 

A disaster waiting to happen!
Crisis averted with new tank installation!
New and well maintained oil storage tanks add value to your home, especially when it's time to sell!  Nothing instills confidence more than a safe and secure home environment which hinges greatly upon the condition of heating apparatus appliances.
Leaky tank in need of replacement...

Before and After...

Peace of mind with newly installed tank
Our crane trucks enable us to easily remove tanks!
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